Submit Photos or Video

Post Raid Photos or Video

You must title your post with the city, state, date, and approximate time the raid was conducted.
Please provide any additional info that you think may help families and friends identify their loved ones that have been arrested.
Please upload a photo you have from the raid, preferably showing as clear of a photo of the subject's face as you can provide.
Please provide the video as a YouTube link. If you don't want to provide a YouTube link, you can upload the video on the next part of the form. Youtube IS PREFERRED, as it keeps our hosting needs smaller. Video files are LARGE.
If you want to provide multiple pictures or video, submit here. Please be mindful that posting your video as a YouTube video would be better and easier on our hosting needs. But we will accept any media you have.
Please label the state this raid or arrest took place in.
Please indicate the city the raid or arrest happened in.